Remember this; Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart what to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Cor. 9:6-8

Distributing Milk and Toys

We are thankful to Third Baptist Church, St Louis for their generous gift to buy toys, milk and cookies for 100 children of the MDWs(Migrant Domestic Workers) in Lebanon. You should have seen the look on the faces of the children when they were told they could pick any toy on display at the Center. With the toy of their choice, they also received powdered milk and a box of cookies.

Many of the moms had tears in their eyes and were grateful for these gifts for their children. One mom asked me “in these hard times in Lebanon, how are you able to give the children toys, powdered milk and cookies” I told her Jesus is still in the business of doing miracles.

Sending MDWs Home

We are thrilled that God has given us the resources to help repatriate seven women this spring back to their home countries.

“A.T.”, an Ethiopian migrant domestic worker, was found by police on the street putting herself in danger because of her weird behavior (shouting and running between cars). She was referred to Caritas, a partner organization, about a year ago. She was transferred to a hospital where she received surgery for a broken hand. Her medical and mental situation continued to deteriorate and later she was diagnosed with Malaria, which accounted for her strange behavior.

After receiving treatment for Malaria, she started to also receive physiotherapy sessions for her legs.This was problematic as it turned out that A.T. had gangrene in both legs due to her bout with

Malaria and amputation was needed to save her life. She agreed to the amputation of both of her legs and she stayed in the hospital for more than three months to heal. Later she was transferred to the Caritas shelter and with Insaaf’s support, an airline ticket purchased and she traveled home to Ethiopia in April.

Six Nigerian Women Fly Home:

A few weeks ago the Nigerian embassy contacted Insaaf seeking help to repatriate over 20 women home.We do not have the funds to repatriate all of them, but by God’s grace and His generosity through your help, we were able to help repatriate six of these women home. Upon their departure, Insaaf was able to conduct an exit interview with a few of them. They expressed that since their arrival to Lebanon in 2019, their lives here have been very difficult. They had employers who did not pay them. They had employers who only fed them water and bread. They spoke of being the discrimination they faced while working in Lebanon.

When asked about how our friends can be praying for them, they asked for good help and for jobs in the future to provide for their families. We are grateful to assist these women with a way home and we are grateful that God has removed them from the hardships they experienced while being employed in Lebanon. We are also grateful for the relationship we have with embassies, like the Nigerian embassy, who reach out to us when they have needs.

Cloth Pads Distribution

We are grateful for cloth sanitary pad kits sent to us by Through Hope in Jesus Church in Boise, ID to distribute to 100 women. Each kit includes several reusable fabric sanitary pads, soap, a small towel, and couple sets of underwear. This is extremely useful as a pack of 16 pads are sold for $72 in Lebanon these days!


We rejoice in the many varied ways God is using us to be His hands and feet to "the least of these" in Beirut at this time. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer and for your generous giving!

If you would like to give a gift, please visit: insaaf-center-project/

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